Welcome to Jokes4U, a simple web application where you can enjoy a variety of jokes at the click of a button!
- Random Joke: Click on the "Random Joke" button to get a random joke.
- Choose a Category: If you prefer jokes from specific categories, click on "Choose a Category" to explore different categories.
- Joke Types: You can select between single-part and two-part jokes.
- Dark Mode: Toggle between light and dark mode using the switch in the header.
- Social Links: Connect with the developer or contribute to the project via Discord, Ko-fi, or GitHub.
How It Works
Jokes4U fetches jokes from the JokeAPI based on user preferences. You can choose between single-part and two-part jokes, as well as explore jokes from various categories.
If you'd like to contribute to Jokes4U, feel free to fork the repository from here and submit a pull request.
- JokeAPI: Jokes4U relies on the JokeAPI for fetching jokes.
- Icons: Font Awesome
Jokes4U is licensed under the MIT License.